Blog Post

SB Credit Control - More than a good idea...

  • by Jayne Williams
  • 28 Jan, 2019

First blog ever!

So much to say, not sure if its what you blog or not, so here I go.  Blog, blog, blog!

I know there will be the word police who will read this and pick me up on grammar, sentence construction… just about anything. I just want to write a little about me and my life so you can get to know me a bit better, as well as read about my business and tips and hints for Credit Control.  My aim is to get across insights into my running a business as a Sole Trader, being a mum, running the house, being the gardener, being the better half of a relationship (he’ll be thrilled with that), owning a dog and all the shannanigans that go with my days.  Possibly a few giggles thrown in because sometimes my days are just insane.

Being time savvy is key each and very day and it can easily pass by if allowed with social media being a distraction.  Rule No 1 - no social media windows open when working.  This is the best and only way to work - for me.   When I am working I am doing just that, working.  But of course social media plays a HUGE part in businesses being noticed and being seen to say/do the right thing.  But I can't help but feel that keeping up with all the posts on the different platforms can show one of many things; you’ve too much time on your hands.  But at the same time, I need to be visible to get my name out there.  It's a juggling act while keeping up the right appearances.  I may take part in discussions in 'live hours' that happen for example in Twitter ® (am following a few but that is yet to happen as still finding my feet on the Tweet front), exchange comments, meet new connections, exchange  and receive advice, tips, news, latest info…… it did feel a bit too much so I stepped away and am now refocused on scheduling in time in to participate .  I could always use an app that schedules when I post on numerous platforms but I can spot a scheduled post a mile off, and if I can, you can too.   Another thought is if I post the same info on numerous platforms there is a huge chance that a number of persons who are following/connected to me on all or most of the platforms I use will find my posts boring as they are seeing it time and time again resulting in “oh same thing, skip that…” and switch off entirely from my brand. Not the result I want. 

For me, its all about keeping it real. No bullshit, what you read is how it is for me (apologies for the swearing but that is the honest and probably best term for some of the things read where the truth is expanded, and you start to feel totally inadequate – if you believe the hype that is). 

As my daily world unfolds at some ungodly hour of the morning it normally starts with a dog walk.   

Here's an account of one such morning, written summer 2018, but only just posted.

I do not feel human without two things in the morning first one being a cup of tea, secondly, my dog Ted and I go off for morning walkies.  A good hour and a half around fields, hills, meadows and in all weather. Best way to start the day. We leave early, around 6am, and during the week I am back in time to takeover getting my family up, do breakfast, teeth, hair, bags on shoulders and walk to school. Then it’s back to start my working day just after 9am and already 3 hours in.  Now, not all walks start as planned, and this blog is going to be a bit random like my life can be. Here’s one example.  A few weeks back Ted and I go off for our usual morning jaunt. This particular morning we jumped in the car and went off.  On entering a sheep field, I could see the flock were right up the top of an adjoining field to the one I was in.  Great, Ted could be off the lead while we cross the field and head of on a circular walk that heads off to the hills.  As we start off, I could hear the echoing bleat of a sheep.  Where on earth is that coming from?  We walked across the field and the bleat got louder, then I saw it, there was a sheep with its head stuck firmly in a feeder. “Bloody marvellous” I thought. Ted went and sat on the other side of the field next to a stile while I went off to take a look. It was a big fat lamb with its ears trapped behind the feeding bars. Poor thing was very uncomfortable and had obviously been struggling to get out, there was blood coming from the back of its ears. I help a lady in the village with her very beautiful animals and I thought “if I can deal with goats, I can deal with a lamb”. Here goes… So, I approached from behind in my wellies, I bent my knees, bent over the lamb and proceeded to straighten and bend my knees rocking the lamb backwards and forward while at the same time leaning over the lamb pushing its ears forward, and talking to it in a soothing voice. Now, If I had been a chap, and if anyone had come into the field it would have looked like I was giving the lamb a ‘good seeing to’.  As I rocked the lamb I was slightly panicking hoping that nobody came into the field.  After minutes of what looked like doing something unmentionable being done to the poor lamb, it was released, the only witness being my very well behaved dog, thank goodness! I spent some time that day checking social media just in case.

So there you go, an insight into how my day starts.  

Not your normal start to blogging, especially where Credit Control is concerned. 

by Jayne Williams 20 Jun, 2019

SB Credit Control has expanded its services after just 18 months.  Credit Control and Debtor List Management remains a service option, in addition I am pleased to advise that I am also offering Virtual Assistant Services . It’s a total no brainer for the business to move forward offering a great choice of business and lifestyle solutions.  I like people, people like me, I love working with a whole variety of people and the opportunity to have different days. I thrive learning about people and their lives – what makes them tick, different businesses, and I like to achieve real results.  I have collaborated my experience such as admin support, office management, event and travel logistics and coordination to offer business solutions.  It’s not just for the office but can be for lifestyle too.  Lives are so busy professionally and personally which often leads to a stressful juggle.  Outsourcing really is the best way forward when trying to achieve the best possible life/work balance for you, your family and business.

People ask what I do as a tester to see if I can assist with and make their minds up from my answer.  The best approach to see if I can help you is for you tell me what you need, and we go from there.  I can’t define specifically what services I offer because of my diversity.  Tell me what you are looking for help with, or what you are looking for.  Chances are I absolutely can help, but if I can’t I’m pretty well connected and most likely know somebody that can.

When working on the Credit Control side of the business talking to people, they about what they are doing, projects, forth coming events, what they need help with and so many times I have said “I can help” and done so.  The VA Services is already up and running as a result of this.  

My experience includes working within industries such as publishing, recording studios, F1, marketing, estate agency. From a Saturday girl at the Coop when at school to full on running my own business today.  A wealth of skills and experience from working my way up and learning on the job.  I work with the utmost confidence with all clients due to the profile of people I have and continue work with, this is paramount.  I am happy to produce NDA’s and sign or sign one that you may already have.  

Along my way, I have made great friends and connections which is something I look forwards to continuing to do.

If you’re a small to medium business or have a very busy life  and need that extra help without the extra costs incurred with having to employ a person get in touch.  Free up your time to work on what you need to work on, its cost effective, time saving and stress reducing .

I look forwards to working with you.

by Jayne Williams 23 Apr, 2019
The art of conversation is worryingly being lost. People are uncomfortable and unconfident to pick up the phone and make much needed calls.
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How your childhood can shape you into why you do what you do
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Frustrations of the intentional non payment of invoices
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Why choosing consultancy for Credit Control is a good idea for your business if procedures are not in place or if they are and they not working.
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Credit Control, basic Steps for invoivcing
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Why Credit Control is vital, run a debtors report, why outsource your Credit Control, consultacy on Credit Control
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