Blog Post

Now What? Xero and me

  • by Jayne Williams
  • 04 Mar, 2019

How our life shapes us into who we are today

Now What? Xero, and Me!

Brad Burton. Who is he? If you have not heard of this gentleman, what planet have you been on? That is the kind of thought I had when I stumbled across a post of Brad in September last year on LinkedIn. Brad Burton, The UK’s #1 Motivational Speaker, does exactly ‘what it says on the tin’, gets you thinking, really thinking, about you, your direction, where your heading and how to get there.  I joined his private Now What Club? And never looked back. If your looking for solid on-line support with an amazing community of small business owners, this I recommend. But this isn’t a blog about Brad or his Now What? private members club, though I could quite happily write one. This is about how the combination of my choosing to be part of the Now What? Club and becoming a customer of Xero has helped me grow my passion into an outsourcing solution to support you.

At Brad Burton’s Now What? event held in January called “Courage Under Fire”, there were many amazing speakers. I enjoyed enormously listening to every single one.

One guest Keynote Speaker was none other than Gary Turner, Co-Founder and Managing Director of Xero.  What a lovely and personable guy. Not only did Gary speak at the event, he took the time to say hello and talk to people attending.  When he did take to the stage, Gary spoke about his life and experiences including the different companies he had worked within, computer games, and being a bit of a geek (your words not mine Gary!).  Gary also talked about experiences as a child, with his father’s garage business and how in the end it was sadly lost. How life was not delivered on a plate and the hardships that happened as a result of his father’s business closing. The things that could possibly have shaped him for his future.

Listening to Gary, I just sat there thinking “me to, same here”. We share similarities with childhood experiences and what possibly drives us about business.

My growing wasn’t the hardest, but it wasn’t the easiest either. My beautiful mother was diagnosed with MS when I was 3 or 4 years old. My Father was the provider and grafter, a truck driver and my hero. Dad was a very proud Owner Driver of a truck and owned almost outright our then family home.  When I was around 5 years old, without any warning, broke. It was all gone. Everything. Through no fault of his own. I can’t go into detail, and wont. But believe me, this event stained the future darkly.

It’s a whole family unit that feels this kind of pain.

Maybe that is why I have always worked hard. That and their being no readies available. We hardly holidayed, we didn’t do day trips, we didn’t have birthday parties, my parents never entertained, if we had play dates nobody stayed for dinner. I used to dread having to ask to get new school uniform, any trip money, lunch money. It was tight. Paper rounds; I had two Sunday rounds and even went into the shop earlier at 5am on a Sunday morning to fill the papers with their supplements to earn extra. I had one morning and one evening round Mon-Sat. I had Saturday work as soon as I was old enough.  Push, work, do better, do more. Earn. Support.

I have had many different roles in life, and I have had so many wonderful experiences with people and employment. Work experience includes within the music industry, in a supermarket, publishing, marketing, sales, estate agency, F1, events. All have helped to shape me into who I am today. At the core of everything for me it always been about people, I love meeting people, learning about them, and life experiences. All ages, all walks of life.

So, why Credit Control? It’s not something I woke up and thought “I am going to chase overdue invoices”.  It was a natural progression after being offered an opportunity to try something new which was Credit Control by a local Bookkepping business called The Accounts Place. I did this for a couple of years and then went on to start my own business in February 2018. I liked doing Credit Control, and I could see just how this can help small businesses.

Out of every 100 businesses started in 10 years just 6% will survive. That’s 94 businesses, gone. Poor cashflow given as one of the major reasons behind business failure.   I want to see that figure of 94 businesses ‘fail’ turn into the succeed figure.  From this blog, if I can help just one business keep cash flowing and stay in business, I will be one happy lady.

There are not many people out there that would say they enjoy Credit Control, I am one of the few that do. If you don’t have the time, experience or don’t like asking for money get in touch. Not everybody is able to ask for money owed to them comfortably or confidently. I can and do while enhancing relationships between you and your client.

So here I am with a great combination of support. Brad Burton’s private members club Now What Too?   Using Xero as a tool to help me and my clients, and for giving me the opportunity The Accounts Place who are just so helpful with advice. You need a bookkeeper, get in contact with them.

I predominantly use Xero. Xero is an amazing complement to any business, its cloud based, user friendly, straight forward, data displayed is clear, and I say if I can use it anyone can. I love Xero’s strap line “let’s do beautiful business” because that what business should be to us, beautiful. If I had not been approached by The Accounts Place a few years back to take on a new role in Credit Control, I would not have known about Xero. Credit Control quite possibly would never have been on my radar. Thank you to Anna Davies & Sandra Larner from The Accounts Place for helping me find my forte with Credit Control.  A special thank you to Sarah Raffill for recommending me to The Accounts Place. 


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by Jayne Williams 20 Jun, 2019

SB Credit Control has expanded its services after just 18 months.  Credit Control and Debtor List Management remains a service option, in addition I am pleased to advise that I am also offering Virtual Assistant Services . It’s a total no brainer for the business to move forward offering a great choice of business and lifestyle solutions.  I like people, people like me, I love working with a whole variety of people and the opportunity to have different days. I thrive learning about people and their lives – what makes them tick, different businesses, and I like to achieve real results.  I have collaborated my experience such as admin support, office management, event and travel logistics and coordination to offer business solutions.  It’s not just for the office but can be for lifestyle too.  Lives are so busy professionally and personally which often leads to a stressful juggle.  Outsourcing really is the best way forward when trying to achieve the best possible life/work balance for you, your family and business.

People ask what I do as a tester to see if I can assist with and make their minds up from my answer.  The best approach to see if I can help you is for you tell me what you need, and we go from there.  I can’t define specifically what services I offer because of my diversity.  Tell me what you are looking for help with, or what you are looking for.  Chances are I absolutely can help, but if I can’t I’m pretty well connected and most likely know somebody that can.

When working on the Credit Control side of the business talking to people, they about what they are doing, projects, forth coming events, what they need help with and so many times I have said “I can help” and done so.  The VA Services is already up and running as a result of this.  

My experience includes working within industries such as publishing, recording studios, F1, marketing, estate agency. From a Saturday girl at the Coop when at school to full on running my own business today.  A wealth of skills and experience from working my way up and learning on the job.  I work with the utmost confidence with all clients due to the profile of people I have and continue work with, this is paramount.  I am happy to produce NDA’s and sign or sign one that you may already have.  

Along my way, I have made great friends and connections which is something I look forwards to continuing to do.

If you’re a small to medium business or have a very busy life  and need that extra help without the extra costs incurred with having to employ a person get in touch.  Free up your time to work on what you need to work on, its cost effective, time saving and stress reducing .

I look forwards to working with you.

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